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    Dongguan PERFECT Instrument Co., Ltd.

    Service hotline:400-6677-223


    Service line:+86-769-88033026

    Operation center:2 plant,ShiMeiShangLian temple,WanJiang Area,Dongguan

    Manufacturing center:Houjie town of Dongguan City -- the material testing machine center

    Changping Town, Dongguan City -- the manufacturing center of the simulation environment test machine


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    Your Current locations :Home » News » Industry News  » Some common methods of tensile testing machine

    Some common methods of tensile testing machine

    Author:PERFECT Instrument Source:http://www.hnzte.com Time:2015-10-06 16:54:28 views:


    Our PERFECT instrument is the earliest manufacturer of domestic tension testing machine, with the mature technology R & D team and the production of the test machine for many years experience. Now a brief description of some of the common functions of the tension test machine.
    Some common methods of tension test machine:
    1 different test pieces of the test speed, clip method, report or have different. According to the CNS, JIS, ASTM, ISO and other standards to adjust.
    2 calculating formula:
    Tensile strength: F/A (kg/cm / L)
    F: maximum strength A value after abruption: sample cross-sectional area (width * thickness)
    You peel strength: F/W (kg/cm)
    F: stripping average or maximum force value W: specimen width
    Peeling off and 0 degrees, 90 degrees and 180 degrees of the stripping method, records should be noted.
    * elongation: [(L-Lo) /Lo] * 100%
    L: after the breaking length of Lo: the original length marking marking
    Modulus:, Fn/A (Kg/cm -)
    Fn: specific strength elongation A: sample area
    Modulus (tensile stress) determination method:
    Modulus (tensile stress) is the strength of the test piece elongation to a specific length of time.
    This test is required for rubber dumbbell shaped specimen. To test piece central online, 1cm (a total of 2cm length) do mark, marking stretch up to more than 100% (e.g., 100% and 150% and 200% and 300%) read and record when tensile strength values.


    PERFECT InstrumentPERFECT InstrumentCopyright©Dongguan Perfect Instrument Co., Ltd.
    National service phones:400-6677-223 Fax:0769-85818236
    Address:2 plant,ShiMeiShangLian temple,WanJiang Area,Dongguan
    Address2:MinzhiWu Street N0.147,QingShui area,Taizhong City,Taiwan Province